
"We find ourselves in late May 2024, when a seemingly challenging idea takes shape in the mind of a virtual entity, Nonotherthansketch. Troubled by this idea in his daily life, he fortunately reaches out to Pixldonkey to bring it to fruition.

If Gasp-Man existed, people would have a new icon to trust and to see themselves reflected in.

Thus, the two began collaborating to bring Charles Coopers to life.

Refusing to follow the path of others, they choose to put a unique twist on their mission, starting with something yet unknown in a way never seen before.

Gasp-Man's life is encapsulated in asphyxia, and his metamorphosis is fraught with complex setbacks.

Approaching their goal of influencing culture on a worldwide scale, Sebastián Romero and Carlos Urbin decide to garnish time with a character born from the conviction of a non arbitrary imagination."


  • Pixldonkey

    The one-of-a-kind Sebastián Romero eventually became Pixldonkey to design and draw Gasp-Man, thus leading a stampede of ideas that would fill out issues with his art.

  • Kornnado

    Kendall is a misfit from the usual animation community who decided to accept a now unfamiliar outlook, stemmed from this project initiative to bring to live a new icon.

  • Noneotherthansketch

    The main who brought them all together, Carlos Urbin or commonly known as Noneotherthansketch is a passionate person who loves the comic industry and is always thinking big.

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Charles Coopers hides the regret of a hasty act under the mask of a hero. This role of Gasp-Man that he adopts is an everyday redemption opportunity.

Requiring of holding his breath to use them, it’s that very limitation that keeps him grounded, pushing him to move faster, think clearer, and make every second count.

Until we publish it, get to know our INK DROPS!